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Saturday & Sunday, May 24 & 25, 2013
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Hosted by the RASC Hamilton Centre
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Sheridan College
Athletics Centre
1430 Trafalgar Road
Oakville, Ontario L6H 2L1
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On-Line Purchase - General Admission Tickets

This is a PayPal "shopping cart" style check-out. You do NOT need a PayPal account if you are using a credit card.

Find the ticket(s) you wish to purchase (see below) and click on "Add to Cart". You will then see the contents of your shopping cart. If you want to purchase more than 1 ticket you can change the quantity on the Shopping Cart "pop-up page", and then just click "update". If you would like to purchase a different type of ticket (ie: Youth), select "continue shopping". When you are finished "shopping" just follow the PayPal checkout instructions.   

If you plan to use a Credit Card you do NOT need to open a PayPal Account. If you already have a PayPal Account have the option to debit your PayPal account balance,  bank account, or credit card.

NOTE: PayPal does NOT share your financial information with us., they simply send us the money.

IMPORTANT: A correct email address is mandatory. PayPal will send you a receipt via email. THIS IS YOUR TICKET. Print the receipt and bring it with you to the trade show.

Purchase General Admission Tickets

General Admission Tickets:


Shortly after completing your purchase you will receive a receipt by email from PayPal. This is your ticket! Print it and bring it with you to the trade show.